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Sākās neliela panika, atlikusi vairs tikai viena diena Latvijā, un tik maz izdarīts, tik mazs laiks pavadīts ar cilvēkiem, kuriem gribētos vairāk laika kopā pavadīt, tik maz draugu satikts. Panika jo apzinos, ka tā ir mana vaina ,ka nepavadīju vairāk laika un slinkoju sēdēdams mājās, kāpēc apzinoties tik un tā ,tā darīju? Droši vien tāpēc ,ka ir sāpīgi satikt cilvēkus, kurus tev jau atkal pēc brīža būs jāpamet ,lai neredzētu uz pusgadu. Kad kopā ir tik labi, ka negribas ne pa ko citu domāt un visas raizes pagaist. Un tad ir jāaizbrauc, un tu nejūti neko tādu uz ilgu laiku, tad ir vientuļi un skumji. Šī apziņa, ka esi aizbraucis ,no kaut kā tik patīkama ir mokoša. Tāpēc arī jautājums, kas tad ir labāk, nekad nepiedzīvot laimi ,lai nezinātu kā tas ir, un pat nelaimē dzīvotu domādams, ka tā ir laime, vai arī piedzīvot laimi un dzīvot nelaimē apzinoties ,ka laimi nevar dabūt? Protams, tas ir nedaudz dramatizēti, es kā dzīves optimists, viennozīmīgi uzskatu ,ka dzīve ir kā laime tā nelaime, kā prieki tā bēdas, kā vientulība tā mīlestība. Tas gan, ka es tā uzskatu, nepadara šis sajūtas vieglākas, ja nu vienīgi paspilgtina tās. Tāpēc laikam jau esmu priecīgs ,ka tad kad esmu ar kādu varu būt patiesi priecīgs un novērtēt klātesamību, jo zinu kā ir kad nav neviena ar ko parunāt un nevar tā vienkārši atrast, un arī ar vientulību jau esmu saaudzis ,jo zinu cik labi būs, kad atkal redzēšos ar sev tuvajiem. Laikam jāpiekrīt vecajam teicienam, ka cilvēks nevar novērtēt to ,kas viņam ir, kamēr viņš nav to pazaudējis.( nezinu kas to teicis, un vai es precīzi atkārtoju, bet domu, cerams, sapratāt). It kā varētu likties, ka tas viss baigi motivē uz rīcību, un, ka nu ja es to apzinos, tad man vajadzētu tieši būt baigi aktīvam un neļauties slinkumam un kūtrumam. Bet es ļaujos. Cilvēks nogurst ,pagurst, un aizmirst. Jā aizmirst , viņš aizmirst ,ko pazaudē. Cilvēka lāsts ir aizmiršana. Katras brīvdienas es aizmirstu , cik ļoti negribas braukt projām, un katru semestri es aizmirstu cik ļoti gribās braukt mājās. Es aizmirstu cik ļoti gribās satikt cilvēkus un es aizmirstu cik ļoti gribās strādāt un mācīties. Tāpat es aizmirsīšu cilvēkus, kurus es nesatiku, aizmirsīšu iemeslus kādēļ nesatiku, aizmirsīšu slinkumu un kūtrumu, kas man dara kaunu atskatoties. Aizmirsīšu kaunu un vainas apziņu. Jo tā ir cilvēka daba, vismaz mana daba. Rakstu šo, jo iespējams ,ka uzrakstot ,tas man paliks prātā un ja pat ne prātā ,tad vismaz varēšu atrast un pārlasīt un tad atcerēties. Protams, esot te es atkal aizmirstu cik labi ir tur, cik labi ir draugi tur, atkal aizmiršana, bet varbūt šī apziņa ,ka abās vietās ir labi, ir tā kas rauj uz pusēm un neļauj būt nevienā no vietām tā pa īstam un līdz galam? 
Jāatzīst ,ka ir vieglāk aizbraukt, tad ja ir mazāk lietu ko atcerēties , ir vieglāk aizbraukt un nejautāt vai es pareizi daru ,ka aizbraucu ,jo nav cilvēku ,kas paliek te ,jautājot tev to pašu jautājumu. Galvenais, nav pašam sev jājautā , vai rīkojos pareizi, jo nav atbildības sajūta ,ka pametu, atstāju , aizmirstu kādu cilvēku te. Ir vieglāk un es to atzīstu. Ir vieglāk slinkot un sēdēt mājās! Laikam jau varētu teikt ,ka tā tad ir arī mana banālā jaunā gada apņemšanās- neaizmirst un neslinkot!
Tāpēc piedodiet draugi, kurus nesatiku un piedodiet ,ka neatvēlēju jums vairāk laika, piedodiet. Lai gan jācenšas jau laikam piedod arī pašam sev, jo zaudētājs jau esmu arī es pats.
Tomēr no visas sirds pateicos tiem, kurus izdevās satikt, kaut vai uz neilgu brītiņu. Paldies tiem, kuri pabikstīja mani pietiekami daudz, lai es saņemtos un stātos pretim bailēm no sāpēm par atvadīšanos un neaizmirstamajām sāpēm par ilgo neredzēšanos,kas sekos. Paldies, kopā pavadītos brīžus atcerēšos, jo ikkatra satikšanās deva kaut ko jaunu vai atgādināja par kaut ko sen aizmirstu, bet ilgotu! Un ceru , ka nākošajās brīvdienās es atcerēšos, atcerēšos šīs pārdomas un rīkošos tā, ka man negribēsies aizmirst. 

My film review blog

so I went to cinema today again, and after seeing the movie , while still fresh on the impressions about it , I did write my kinda review on it .. So head over to , and check it out.. The first review is on the movie called The Grey , currently showing everywhere.

In my time here in UK , I have already seen 17 movies in cinema, to whom all I will soon post my reviews... why do I mention the fact that I have seen them in cinema? well because that means they are up to date movies that are still topical. There is no point in writing a reviews for old classics , because everyone has seen them and probably there are thousands of reviews on them online :D... So for a starter just the ones you might have seen lately or are going to see :)

Also I am now doing a film theory lecture course as well so there's a lot of things it made me think about when watching a movie , hope I can use some of that knowledge to make my reviews more professional, although , they will always stay as MY opinion about the movies , I am not trying to say that it is correct, just my opinion , and I have just pointed out some discussable things about that particular movie .

Thanks and hope you find it useful , if u cant decide whether u want to see it or not , however :D I would say that its useful to see all movies of only u have the time and money( or internet :P )

The Taming of the Ear!

I will tell what happened some time this week , what was kinda funny... although, extremely annoying and enraging to me.

So as I mentioned before , this week I practiced sculpting and sculpted a human bust ( head and upper body from chest , above.. with one full arm) ... So there I was sculpting when I finally kinda finished it and the only thing left to sculpt was his ears.. very well.. It was the lest bit left to sculpt so it was kinda hard to take courage and just start doing it :D ( its always hard to start doing something) anyway , i started to make the right ear( his left) and sculpted for around 3h .. very well , its beautiful and couldn't be more satisfied ( just to show what I am talking about her is a pic :
The ear is 1,4 cm from bottom to top.

Ok , that's very cool , but whats the funny bit?...

So I am happy that I have don it , and go to sleep... Next day , I decide to get on with making the other ear... Thats were it gets tricky , the other ear has to be a mirror copy of the one I already have... Human ears really are both the same, and a mirror copy of the other one.. they are symmetrical ... so I cant really just make another ear, without it looking just like this one :(...
Again I am kinda scared of starting to sculpt it... I know its gonna take a long time and gonna be a real pain in the ass to make it look the same...

anyway , I started ,and after almost 3h its done...
Well kinda, the problem is it doesn't line up with the other ear ... It looks perfectly like the other one ,though. However, it was in the wrong place , as this picture clearly shows :(

as much as I didn't want to do that , I had to somehow move it to the right place... Only way of how to do that , was to cut it off . The sculpty is to soft to push around , it can only be moved all together with a bigger piece. And if I baked it - hardened, and then tried to cut it off, I fear it would just break is very small after all, and quite fragile when baked...

so with fear I might ruin it , and quite mad at myself , I did decide to cut it off. and try to remove it as it is ... I really dint want to make another one, because it took so long , and actually looked the same as the other one..

So when I got all my courage I imagined myself as a plastic surgeon and did it , just like this :

-_- ... I know kinda creepy... However you can finally see what I am sculpting( still not sure if it was the right way to reveal it .. anyway there you go ... better pictures and everything later on , when it is actually finished  

So that's amazing I have the ear , on my pad  right in front of me... First part of the mission : ear transplantation , done... The ear came off perfectly , no harm done

Now starts the funny part ...

As a real professional I take a brake , well everybody wants to take a break after something kinda stressful has been done , and before something even more stressful is about to be done...
So I walk around , stretch my legs, go online, chat a bit, watch some videos ... I have this habit or just thing that I cant keep my hands calm, I have to be doing something with them all the time. So suddenly I realize I am wrapping something in my fingers.... I look to my hand , and see a small piece of the sculpty( the material I use , its like a plasticine/clay) wrapped and kneaded in a small ball... Well that's okay , I am used to doing that ...
I continue watching some music videos and kneading the ball... then finally I decide to get back to work. I get my guy , I get my tools , I turn on my table lamp... And I start to search for my ear ...
And then it hit me! The small ball I was kneading was the ear !!!!!!!! :O :O :O

Obviously the way my face looked , and the way I felt ... and after that the other meme with the long fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu--- ( you all know what I mean)
( I believe I don't have to start explain what I felt like , these two memes say it all!)

So that's kinda it .. I don't know why but my mother and family found that incredibly funny.. so I though I may share   -_- ...

Or maybe the funny bit was , when the next day I finally got around to doing the ear again... This time it was also perfect ,in fact better than the first one....sadly it was once again not in the right place , so I ended up cutting it off again ... i don't know why but Homer Simpson comes to my mind... I took brake again, and did the same things that the day before... YES and even the kneading , this time however I realized much more sooner , and stopped right away , but it was too late , in my hand I had a  nice solid little ball again ... I started to panic , still hoping and not believing I did that again, I looked for the ear everywhere and couldn't find it :( ... such a dumb ass , I though to myself ... then I took the human for closer inspection to imagine how would he look without a ear , because I was just completely fed up with EARS!!! ... and then I noticed that there is something stuck to his arm that shouldn't be there , something like ... like a ear!!!! :)  (*me gusta*) ... It was the ear I was looking for , and it was almost intact ... omg , I felt soooo lucky , I literally (almost) peed my pants from happiness :) ...

:D :D ...

In the end I stuck the ear into the right place. And it was done.. well kinda :D ... I actually realized that the first ear I made was a bit out of the place... So just skipping all the part were I cursed and punched my head against the wall... I did cut the ear of and put it into the right place ... This time with no mishaps ( or just me being dumb and inattentive ) , probably the fact that the first ear was solid and hard helped :D , otherwise it was probably doomed to my kneading habit :D...

So that's it folks .. I hope you found at least something funny in all this ( I certainly didn't ... just joking , when looking back to it , it was funny ... not only Homer can do something stupid and still be funny :D ( I don't know why I mention Simpsons again ...probably cuz I watched them recently and , this just seemed too much of a Homer-ish accident )

I guess you probably want to see how did the ears finally turned out , right?.. Well let me see...
hmm.. I don't have any quality picture to show you right now ... If you want to see( well I want to show :D ) you gonna have to come back tomorrow :)

Ok goodnight for now !...( its late *no me gusta*)

I'll(am) be back!


Wouw ,havent written anything in more than a month .I feel bad... I have let myself down , I have been sooo lazy...

Anyway so Happy new year! :D ok this is just too late to say that so I am gonna just skip all the new years wishes and stuff  ... but just know I do wish everybody a good year!

So what have I been up to lately?

Well a lot of things obviously , it has been a long time .. Although , in general  it all has been studies-work , eating, relaxing , sleeping , and a lot of movie and tv-show watching.  :D , so actually not that much things...

I am still working on my Faberge egg project , ye I know , I am slow... well not really, it just takes bloody long ... anyway here is a picture to show the progress :)  

Concerning Uni work ...Well nothing has really happened at the studio , except we learned how to make armature for hands and did some clay sculpting . We did have introductions to milling machine, and now I am supposed to know how to use it... Which I think i do , but I haven't yet tried to make anything on my own , using it :D . We had a week off , and now we have time for our personal projects. Well for the personal project I am still working on my faberge egg , but I also am doing a lot of sculpting. I have never really done anything like that before, so It is really interesting to try it ... I dont want to reveal it here , yet.. but as soon as I finish it I am going to post a whole post for it , with a lot of pictures showing the process and progress... its pretty cool :D . although it have some anatomical mistakes...

anyways What else I wanted to say... Hmm ye I wanted to ask you somebody.. I am finally decided to write my own movie Reviews! .. The question, however, is : where should I post them? Here in this blog, or should I make a new one just for movie reviews? ..leave your thoughts at comment or vote at the new poll in the upper right side .

P.S. I will definitely come back and write something tomorrow , and the day after tomorrow, and day after, after tomorrow  ! ...

Home sweet home & some thoughts

Hy all!

I cant believe but I am actually back at home!!!! Incredible ! THis first semester just flew by. I am sitting in my bed now , looking at my room , looking the same as it looked when I left it. Its like I have never been gone (well only my cat has become pretty fat :D ) ..
This is truly amazing. Just to see how your life can change in couple of hours , how can people change their location in couple of hours !! .... :D  ye I guess I am a bit overwhelmed with homecoming, but all I want to say is that even after this short experience, I can say that ANYTHING really IS possible!! And now I believe it more that ever.

Of course this is only the beginning and I cant wait to experience and live the rest of it! Next years is gonna be longer , though. but it sounds even more interesting as well :)

Ok so I am back at home , but what can I say when looking back at the experience of the last 3 months? Well here are couple of points/thoughts that came from this experience!

1. Nothing is impossible - nowadays you can do anything and do it anyway you want! Thats the wonder of our century! ( and I a not talking only about myself, out there I met a lot , I mean a lot , of people from all around the world, and they ALL are doing what they love, and want! and that is truly wonderful!)

2. Studying abroad is not that hard!!! when I went I was more scared than ever, but at the moment I entered the plane ,all my fears disappeared, maybe because I felt that I am doing the right thing or maybe just because of the excitement, but all I know is that , this feeling helped me get through all the obstacles that came my way , and all the feelings I felt (all the language and homesickness crap ) that tried to ruin my staying over there.

3. Meeting new people is fun!!!!!  not much to say about this :D , last time I met somebody new before going to UK , was probably at the start of 10th grade :D  .. In these 3 months I have met and memorized more people and their names than in my entire mmmm... life?.. no that's probably exaggerated ... well no actually, probably its not :D , it may be true.. at least its very close. :) anyway , you got the idea

4.People are people no matter where they come from or how old they are!!!! of course I never really doubted that :D , but still ,just saying that , usually people like to expect different things from people with different backgrounds and ages and be all stereotypical about races and stuff, but at the end it all comes down to the same things.. We all are humans and we all think and act and doubt and fear and laugh and cry and get shy and get lazy and gossip and smile!!! so nobody is alone!!! never , you are never alone! No matter where in the world you are!! and you can find people just like you even in the imaginable places!! So just an encouragement, we are never truly alone, just dare to ask, talk and see!

5. I LOVE Latvia , Riga , Jurmala and everything in it! I think I just appreciate the knowing that I know where everything is and its impossible to get lost , because it is so small :P  !
But seriously , despite the awful weather here , I really missed my country , the trains, the train stations the school ,the statue of liberty , my home , obviously, the sea( I  still miss ,it darn, haven't gone to it yet- ok first thing in the morning to do!)  It is warm feeling when you feel like the whole city is your home! because I really feel like it is! it is! that's what is awesome about smaller cities - they are more personal, you get to know them and they turn into your personal city , personal hometown! Love it!....  And I love the water! the rivers Daugava and Lielupe mmm, stood at the shore of it today , and just felt the water waving firmly in front of me, the dark dark water ... brr  gave me shudders- it was cold and drizzling and crap... but still , I loved it :)...
P.S. London is just way  tooooo big and diverse , it doesn't have one character! :D

6. Latvians are truly everywhere !!!!! They are, I met so many latvians there, and I heard about so many latvians, that it is no suprise that the country is really worried about them , and that the statistic show that almost 250 000 people left latvia in the past 10 years ... not it seems legit! Its just that cmon Hertfordshire is not the most talked about(to say the least) universities , when talking about studying in UK, but still there are a lot , a  lot of Latvians there , so just imagine how many of them are there in other Universities, like Glasgow and Manchester? One good thing( not that I think the other is bad , but this just sounds good) though, is that they seem to be dating and marrying other Latvians :D ... So they are expending our nationality within other countries :D eventually the number of people leaving country doesn't matter, because that doesn't mean they just disappear , no they just MOVE , and they actually are spreading the word Latvia and Latvians all around the world , and as I mentioned they stick to each other ! :)

7. Self-discipline is the hardest thing ever! :D that's why we have Moms and Dads :P . But seriously one thing worth learning before starting to live alone, is self-discipline . And that is extremely high valuable personality trait...  I sincerely look up to all those people who actually have a strong self discipline.... In case you wonder, I am talking about - regime -going to bed in time-waking up in time , doing homeworks in time, doing homeworks, learning extra, pushing yourself to do unwanted, making yourself a meal when you are tired and don't want to spend time on that and so forth ... :D ... just a true story, self discipline is not a students best friend :D

ok seven points is going to be enough for now... I gonna add more if I remember, i am just very sleepy now :D , and cant remember other points, but I am sure there were/are more !

Report on University project nr.2.

Hy all! 
So finally here are my second project. Sorry for the delay . Just somehow didn't get round to posting them.
With no further ado here they are..
Well ok two words about the task :D. The module was called Representation modelling , Scale and structure. So we basically had to research these things :D , scale and structure. Draw some sketches and make some maquettes and models. 

I enjoyed this project. It was great experience to see how the work of design evolves. First I draw several sketches, some based on the sketches we were given ,I like to just put my mind on the paper so sometimes the sketches look untidy and messy , but still they show the idea and the intended look of the design . I made almost all of my sketches into maquette’s. It was hard for me to make these small quick sketchy models, because I am pretty scrupulous. So it was interesting to force myself in making something quicker. However, I must admit I didn’t succeeded in that , all 8 small maquette’s I made very already detailed and took more time that they should, and I used for them proper card paper.
Finally, I made one bigger design building. It was the one that I had thought about the most, that I had drew good enough sketch and made good enough maquette to understand how the big thing will work and look like. Next I did a research of building heights and floor heights to properly calculate the scale. I ended up making my model in scale 1:170, and then I drew a proper plan in this scale so I can make all the parts and know that everything will fit. It was interesting to research scale like this because it is really hard to understand and imagine how big something would actually look in real life. So I went to London to get the materials, but to also, look at buildings that had 10-20 floors, and imagined the sizes of my design. Sadly I didn’t include my pictures in my project folder , because I didn’t really know we needed it ,and I have never made a project folder . After seeing some of the other student folders, I realized how handy and useful they are. So I have to learn to make them to make my process of thought clear and understandable.
I again ended up spending a lot of time on my last model, but I am ok with the final look. Again I experienced a lot of difficulties and mistakes, from which biggest was the working with superglue . It is very untidy way to work. I learned that you can’t rush if you work with superglue, to work with it you have to have a lot of time and patience. Otherwise it will come out not as clean and smooth as wished. Another thing is to really calculate the amount of materials needed and make a clear list of things needed, and then buying them, not the other way around. And I guess again I slightly missed the deadline.
This was like my assessment-like self assessment :) . I thought I gonna put it here also ;) .
So thats it , some more pictures: coming up...
Well if you ask about the trees, i know they dont look that good. But I just didnt have the money t buy the proper tree, well actually I would have bought them , but I just didn't get to London before the submission time :( .. And those are not representations of trees!!!!!,Those are Sculptures of trees! Huge Metal or glass sculpture of walking trees...  -_-

Here I just played around , and try to put an environment around and on the model . you know usually the models are like put in some kind of space :D.. I didn't like my messy desk .
One day when I came back to studio I saw that my models is populated :O... there were people ( well paper people but nevertheless a human representations ) I have always liked to liven up my created worlds , and populate them.
So the next morning there were even more people in my world! :)
I just had to add this guy! He looks just so real :D and like he would really live in the model , not forced to be there . he doesnt look like he has been put there. He just came and sat on the bench to read his .. thing...

This building is based on a famous designers sketch . That was also one of the task , kinda , to
make a maquette from already drawn sketches ,to inspire from them .
So its a building , whose front looks like a human holding it from collapsing .
Ok so that's it for the big model . Here are the rest of my models and maquetts:
The small model of the big thing :) .. well it took a long time to cut those bloody circles -_-
This is ... hmm .. :D . a building presumably , like a skyscraper. I just liked the texture. didn't know the structure of the building ,though  :P
Ok so this is the initial Walking Tree concept. Imagine a park in the middle of the city , like New York , with big building and packed with action. So there is a small block of green grass, and walkways all over it , from one side to the other. People every day rush trough it busy by their work , talking on their phones . Looking to the ground. Then we put there these huge , huge , metal constructions , that look a bit like trees. We put them so that their 'legs' sometimes crosses the pathways , but dont block , them . The huge trunks are made from folded and bend metal .  So When people walk the park next day ,and finally look up , they see , between these skyscrapers a bunch of Trees taht are walking somewhere. Walking minding their own business . Captured it this one instance when they cross the park . Interfering with human life.  They are so big so clearly cant be influenced by men. So the people stop for a moment and look to the huge slightly , in the wind , moving branches. And then they move along . never looking back. But for the one moment they have stopped and remove their phone from their ear. Because the metal structures are stunning and somehow familiar, because they are walking - going somewhere -they have their destination, they want to get to. We never know where that is , but we never know where an other human person is going , right?And anybody can relate to a walker - because they are walkers themselves, and they want be big  they want to be powerfull , rich , so the dont have to care about the small people down there , when they are walking ... These trees could become their morning companions on their way to work , or the late welcome-rs, when they return home .

So that the concept behind these Walking tree.. I think its good :D... what do you think?

ok some more pics:

...:D , from the front it looked like flying birds ...
So to wrap up , here is the last picture , and its a bus stop ! 

A bus stop that's gonna take you home , from the world I created for you today . No matter how short the being there was. You clearly were in my world for the time you red my blog. Thanks for that. And have a safe journey going home ... ( I assume that's going back to your facebook pages or pages , or jsut closing this page :D )

See you back here. I gonna post something soon :D

P.S. I breathed too much supergloue vapor , so the other day my insides of the nose were bleeding :( , cuz the glue burns when it gets on the skin, and when you inhale it , trhough your noise some of it vapor stays inside the walls of your nose , and burns everything there :P .
Ye so that's bad .. Lesson to learn!!! use respirators!!!!! and gloves ...


 While I am editing pictures of my second big university project I gonna post these pictures, because I feel that they kinda describe the mood I am in now and then.
The other day - Saturday , I was listening to this song all day ,then after watching a  movies in the evening ,  I went outside , and I listened to this song again  , and could not stop listening , it just had grabbed me !! ...
    The weather outside was very interesting - it was cold and foggy , and very damp, but it was also emotional- ye , maybe , depressing, but nevertheless emotional , and the fog was very clearly visible because the big grass field is surrounded with lampposts , and the light from them seems to stuck in the fog  , and created these huge light clouds .... And its emotional tone was the same of this song... So I was just standing in the middle of this field ,listening to it and just feeling extreme emotions, what emotions? well, listen to the song i have posted and u will understand ...
      Then I just realized that I have to try to use these emotions and this weather... so the best way to catch these emotions in this particular moment was photography ! So I ran back to my room , grabbed my camera and went back to the foggy field. I had this vision of taking pictures of a person at the foreground of fog and those lamp light clouds ... so that only his silhouette is visible, so that's what I tried to do ... But ye back to the song  its called 9 crimes by Damian Rice , and... well I gonna post it here for everyone to see what emotions I am talking about, and actually I just think that the song sets the pictures and mood up better that any words ...But please watch it... Or BETTER just LISTEN , cuz its about the music not about the video...

Well if u watched it i think its clear what I was aiming for and what I felt, so with no further ado , here are the pictures that came out of my late night photo shoot...  :

hmm... just try to feel it :) ... and leave a comment if you have something to say about the pictures , I always appreciate comments ...

I just gonna say that the song is really beautiful , although I have to admit that I don't really get the lyrics though, but this is just one of those songs you don't really care about lyrics ,cuz the chemistry and emotions are still there and very clear!

REPORT on University project nr.1.

So , I know most of you probably have seen this but :D no matter that I gonna post them here as there could be also some people that have missed this :D , but would still like to know what the hell I am doing in my course :D... Well so , ye the first project (well it was 1 month ago...... ... .. . . .. ) was to make a wooden train, from prepared plans- so we didnt have to do any thinkking , jsut cut out the shapes and parts drawn on the paper like this:

 So ye that was kinda easy , but the project meaning was for us to understand how to read these types of drawing , and just to make , the train so it looks just like in the plan !
Well one thing the plan doesn't show is color :) , so thats what we had to decide ...  I was thinking a lot about what color scheme I want to use... sadly I was very restricted to paints and brushes and stuff , because I didnt have my hobby stuff here , YET ! ... so I had to do with one single brush and 5 color tubes :).., So I came upo with something like this... :

I had actually used this color scheme and style before so I kinda knew what I am doing , and how it will look when finished ... kinda :P ... anyway because I knew how to do it , it was easier ... Well just to be clear I did it with standard brush , not with an airbrush :( cuz with airbrush its probably easier , but I dont have airbrush :P )

So Ye I cut all the pieces ,spend a lot of time sanding them and making sure they are smooth and likeable to touch ( well that all went for nothing , cuz after applying color primer the surface became rough :( .... ye I know it makes sense, thats why the primer is applied so that the surface has a better grip to the color , d'oh !
Anyway , so I did a mistake I guess , that I actually glued all the train together before painting it ... Well not the weels , though... so that made the painting harder , but actually I knew what I was doing , because I wanted to know how it looks all together , and then paint it as a whole! . 
So ye ,here is what the final project looks like :

  Well you probably noticed ( well probably not!) but there are some extra details on the train :) , all the yellow parts are my additions to the initial train :)... I did a lot of research of how to make the rod thing work ,and it was kinda complicated , cuz I had to be very precise about the holes and axis  and all , cuz the slightest offset meant that it wount work :( .. Luckily in the end it worked ,and all turned out pretty perfect :) , well we all know that nothings perfect , though :D... had I more time , I would have worked more on the paint job to make it more smooth :)  ... Anyway I am lucky how it turned out.., It works so that is the most important part , and it looks impressive :)

So here are some videos to show HOW it works ! :D the yellow rods and cylinder . 

This is actually my youtube video , its a time lapse of me painting the train... and ye I guess its a bit too fast :P ... :D

Ok and here is like the second part of the project we had to do , to pass this module ...
Its something like an obelisk from blue foam , thats on the top , and just cut out different wooden shapes on the band-saw and use just the workshops machinery -thats under the blue thing :P  .. it had to look like this... and that is how it looks like....

 Ok , so here you go :) , some information to read and see !

I gonna be back really soon with my report on the second project , cuz ye well its actually done , so all I have to do is take picture of it ... :)

Again if you have any questions or comments , please , please , feel free to post them, cuz comments always encourages me to write more, cuz they kinda approve that somebody actually spends their time reading this :D ... And I appreciate that ... So thanks for reading / watching :D 

Pictures :)

 This was some weeks ago , when it was still sunny :( , anyway this was very interesting phenomenon  :D , i have never seen this in Latvia , but here one day when I went over the field i suddenly noticed that the grass looks like it is floating , I leaned down , and from one particular angle i could see that the WHOLE grass was covered in , I guess , spider webs . how cool is that ? :D

This is a picture from the same day ... and the colors say it all :) .... wonderful autumn ... well I know the picture is out of focus , sorry , but still you can get the idea :P

hmm and here are some more autumn pictures :)  and just pictures I have taken around Hatfield :)  , my new temporary hometown . :

I love these complicated house decorations!

I have never seen any gardeners here ... I wonder how do they keep the hedges so .. square-ish :D ...
maybe they have garden  gnomes ?

Hatfield House farm ...
and as a farm it needs animals :)

and it has!
its like  a farm, but open for visitors, they can buy food , adn feed the animals n stuff... its a huge farm ...

:D .... I found it extremely funny.... although, it IS possible :P

how cool is that?

Well , this isn't :(

... I have grown to really like this place, it is beautiful in its way! .. What do you think? Is it a beautiful place to study and spend the off learning time? :)